Monday, December 10, 2018

Roasted butternut with balsamic sauce


- 1 butternut squash

- 2 tbsp thyme and 6 bay leafs

- 2 tbsp of maple syrup

- 25 ml of balsamic vinegar

- 1 big crushed garlic clove

- squash seeds

- fresh parsley

- olive oil

- salt and freshly ground pepper


Preheat the oven to 200 °C.

Wash butternut, dry and cut in half lengthwise.
Remove the seeds and fibers inside each half.

Flip and cut each half into slices about 1 centimeter apart, without going to the end so that the slices remain attached.

 Put the two halves, face down on some baking paper with a decent cover of olive oil so that it will get crispy on all sides.

Pour a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper, thyme, and insert some bay leaves in the slits. 
Cover with some foil and whack in the oven for 1 hour.

While the squash is in the oven heat up the vinegar, maple syrup and crushed garlic clove until it just starts boiling then turn off.

After the hour of cooking the squash, remove the foil, pour on the balsmic mix, throw on some of the squash seeds and put back in the oven for 10-15 mins so it gets nice and crispy.

Take out, cut up some parsley, sprinkle on and serve!

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